Top Ways to Sell Your Used Furniture

Summary: There are often various tactics people use to sell their own furniture. Here’s an inside look into what sellers are considering when listing their items.

Are you in the market for new furniture pieces? This guide will showcase some of the most common ways to sell your used furniture for a bit of extra cash.

Assess the Value of Your Furniture

Start off by determining the value of each item that you want to sell. Do you own any antiquated sofa cushions that are considered “rare”? These could be on the radar of enthusiasts or die-hard collectors. Valuating each item according to market value is one of the most important steps of selling. This way, you’re not undercutting the market nor pricing it too high.

When it comes to pieces that have surefire value, consult pricing guides from popular retailers like The Foam Factory for example, or even take them to an expert to get an average price. Researching takes due diligence so it’s important to emphasize this as much as you can. This means taking the time to visit consignment stores and looking at various advertisements for the exact same item. What’s catchy about the product headline? Does the price look fair considering the images that follow?

Even if your furniture doesn’t classify as a rarity, it’s still worth some money. Consider how much you paid for that piece, the manufacturer, and the current condition it’s in.

Find a Selling Medium

Finding a platform to sell your goods is another difficult part of the process. You want something that garners attention from people and those interested in your niche, but also a platform that’s notoriously safe for selling. Pick and choose carefully as you’ll ultimately be getting paid by this company – unless you’re meeting in person.

State a Price

You never want to undercut the competition by hundreds of dollars, but you don’t want to raise it too high that people will just skip over it. Be realistic when pricing your furniture. The memories alone won’t raise the value so be sure that you give an unbiased price tag on the piece. Don’t forget, people often shop online for used furniture pieces, so they’ll likely catch you on your bluff if you’re raising the bar too high. Moreover, they have access to Internet guides that showcase the average price for the item you’re selling. The point is, you’re less likely to sell something that’s being ballooned in terms of pricing.

The Bottom Line

Used furniture items are a hot commodity on the Internet. From college students to homeowners just looking for a bargain, it’s a great way to earn a bit of cash and free up some space. With the right amount of research and a fair price, you’ll be well on your way of ridding your living space of old items – while making money too.

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